Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine...

Well, there were no train tickets available - so Linda and her husband Jin drove me 5 hours south to Xinyang today. They only speak Chinese, so it is very hard to communicate to them how thankful I am that they are driving me around China. I am perfecting my charades though - as we mostly communicate through hand gestures. We drove through some mountains and farm country. There were lots of baby goats hanging out in the fields... very cute!! Oh - and I experience a Chinese roadside rest stop, which was actually quite clean and nice.

When we got to Xinyang, I met Krishtel and Erma - the nurses at the unit here. Unfortunately, the water is not working (who knows why) here at the unit, so we had an excuse to eat out tonight for a nice Valentine's dinner. I hope the water is back on tomorrow - it's a little bit difficult to manage a unit with 18 sick and disabled kids without running water. But, it's a new challenge to overcome - haha.

Peter Pan greeted me in Xinyang

I don't think this little girl in the restaurant had ever seen a white person before. She would run up to me, I would smile, and she would run away screaming. She wanted to be my Valentine!!

Chinese Pizza

Linda, Jin, Me, Krishtel and Erma

This soup was tasty - despite all the chicken heads floating in it. It cleansed my palate after eating squid balls.
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese pizzas look dee-lish! Yum! We all miss you...
