Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I survived 3 days!!

Hello Everyone! It is amazing to me that just 20 or so hours after this picture of Signe and me was taken, I was in a completely different world.
Some exciting things that have happened so far:
#1 There is currently an outbreak of chicken pox at the orphange and I suggested the babies be bathed in oatmeal baths. Linda, the Chinese woman who is in charge here at the orphanage (and does not speak English) immediately went out and bought packets of Cinnamon Spice Instant Oatmeal for the baths. I guess we will have some yummy smelling babies on our hands.
#2 Apparently RSV bronchiolitis has taken over this entire world because I have spent most of my days giving albuterol treatments, suctioning out noses and trying to tell the nannies/nurses to elevate the head of the bed. I might as well be at Kaiser - haha :-).
#3 I ate donkey in a taquito. Don't ask... I'm trying to erase it from my memory.
#4 Parents dress their babies in these ridiculously cute snowsuit outfits here (I will try to post a picture later). The crazy part is that these snowsuits have a hole at the baby's bottom so that the baby can pee/poop anytime, anywhere - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE - i.e. the aisle of the supermarket. Just imagine it....
#5 The scenery here is straight out of the opening part of a James Bond movie. The pollution in Luoyang is bad - so even if the sun is trying to shine, it is covered up by a hazy, grey sky. This in combination with the concrete scenery and constant stench of urine makes for a very gloomy picture. No one seems to be bothered by this but me.
That's it for now. I have taken some pictures and will try to post them in the near future.
Everyone has been incredibly kind to me and the apartment that I am living in is quite comfortable. It is what they call "spring festival" here right now so fireworks are constantly going off and making it a little difficult to sleep. However, last night I was so exhausted I wasn't bothered by the noise.
Miss you all so much, Molly


  1. pee/poop in the supermarket? Next to the food?!

  2. Hi Molly - So glad you made it safely. I totally "get" how surreal it can be - I had the same experience when we went to Vietnam. The wierdest part is coming home is a huge adjustment too - so much bounty (fresh food and lots of it, healthy people and air), quieter, just different. Sounds like all is well, some snot, feces and donkey meat aside! Love the blog - keep it up! We miss you.....

  3. Hi Moll - Sounds like you are having adventures in all parts of your life! Personal, professional, social. This is an experience of a lifetime. As for me, I hope you figure it all out before I arrive. I really don't want to dine on donkey! Everyone loves the blog, so keep it up. I miss you! Fasten your seatbelt! Love, MOM

  4. Loving the blog, enjoy your adventures! Make sure to explore and get to know the people. We miss you loads. ~S

  5. Molly,
    Cant tell you how much I miss u and wish u were still here. Glad to see what an experience you are having. Enjoy it all! Lots of love
    Heather, Gian and Nico (he sends licks and butt wiggles!)
