Monday, March 2, 2009

February Newsletter

This is an update of all the new this month from Hope:

Wee Little Willage

Yesterday we walked around a village near the foster home. Below are some pictures:

A Chinese gym:

Two of the babies I cared for in Luoyang just arrived in Beijing this morning . They are both good surgical candidates and hopefully will have their surgeries soon!!! I am so excited for them!
I can't believe this is my last full day at Hope. I will be heading "into the city" tomorrow as I await my mom's arrival on Thursday. Then, we will be checking out all the sites in Beijing and Shanghai with a trip down the Yangtze river in between. Hopefully I will be able to keep blogging during the last 2 weeks of my trip, but I am unsure how often I will have an internet connection. I will try my best!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Night Fever

Had a BIG Saturday night out in Beijing.

First went to the Bookworm for some snacks and tea.

Then, we headed to the Village to check out the Adidas flagship store. There were tons of these baby statues which I found quite fitting:

Then we headed to Santilun Yashou market where you can buy fake anything: it was off to Hooters for some wings.... actually we ate at a nice Italian restaurant.Then we went to QBar for some cocktails:
Today, I'm tired.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not Making Any Friends...

Today was immunization day. I gave 30 immunizations and hopefully prevented some disease:

All the vaccines were donated. If you're interested in contributing to the New Hope Foundation, details can be found at this website..

Birthday wishes for my brother...

Happy Birthday, Garth!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who's the Baby Daddy?

Daddy Baby Diapers. Lost in Translation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hope Foster Home

This is a longer entry than usual, but I wanted to share with you all how truly special Hope Foster Home is.

I start my day in the clinic (which is in the foster home) and the nannies know that they can drop in with their babies if they are having any problems.

This is a baby I saw this morning:

The home is a very organized placed. This is the "board" in the main office which represents what child is in what area, etc:

The rooms are all color-coded and uniquely themed. Joyce (the director) makes all the bedding/quilts for the babies:

In this picture, you can see beside the washclothes each baby's name and picture:

Above each bedroom door is a quote or saying. These were my favorites:

There is a preschool in the home that the children attend during the week where they teach basic English:

There are lots of signs on the walls with instructions for the nannies:This is the Winnie the Pooh time out "jail" - notice Pooh is behind bars:The most amazing part of the place is the beautiful children:
This guy loved the camera:
Activity mats are big here:
This boy always has a smile on his face:Trying to share with me:
So sweet:Showing off the play structure:

Severely malnourished: